AutoStrobe 490-ST
This is great for professional piano tuning!
By Piano Tuna on Sunday, May 22, 2016
Reviewed on
I use this for tuning pianos - it is extremely accurate and easy to use. The built in stretch and temperament files make it easy to tune and gives excellent results. An electronic tuner is never a substitute for the skills of the piano tuner and there are always judgment calls and compromises to be made by ear, but honestly this tuner is AWESOME! I'm very impressed, it allows me to tune quickly and accurately because it's immune to background noise and false beats. I love that it has built in stretch and temperament files. I recommend buying this with both foot switch accessories if you are tuning pianos. I also use manual mode in my tunings so I won't comment on the auto tune functions. I don't use them.

I do wish someone had prepared me for the noise of the mechanical strobes, this thing doesn't run silently, you can hear the strobe discs turning. I didn't like that at first, but wow, when I tuned the treble section the first time and experienced how quickly and accurately this baby helped me tune I was over it! Once you're aware of it, it's OK but I expected it to be perfectly silent and it freaked me out when I first powered it up.

The strobes allow you to tune in a very intuitive way. This is an excellent device for tuning pianos. The stretch files allow for a very sweet sounding tuning.

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