Peterson Connect for Google Chrome allows you to synchronize your Peterson product with the Peterson website.

When this app is installed, your USB connected Peterson device will integrate seamlessly within the various utilities offered on for registering, updating firmware, and designing custom presets. It will also help Peterson to troubleshoot software or hardware issues, program your device remotely ( when requested ) and to expedite the support process so that you get the most out of your Peterson Tuner.

Peterson Connect does not detect my tuner in Linux environment.

Chrome needs access to /dev/hidraw*, so either set "chmod a+rw /dev/hidraw*" or start chrome as root with the --no-sandbox option

*Some Ubuntu based distros do not allow running Chrome as root with the --no-sandbox option enabled. -Running as root without --no-sandbox is not supported. See You can however run Chromium as a normal user and invoke that option.

Some users have reprted a fix by adding a new udev rule as follows: KERNEL=="hidraw*", SUBSYSTEM=="hidraw", MODE="0664", GROUP="plugdev", ATTRS{idVendor}=="2368", ATTRS{idProduct}=="*SEE BELOW"

* Some Peterson products operate in two different modes with individual product id's for firmware update operations. Multiple rules may need to be created. Here is the list of Peterson USB product ID's

idProduct =

Stomp Classic = 8002
StroboPLUS HD = 0003
StroboPLUS HD Firmware Mode = 8003
StroboClip HD = 8004
StroboStomp HD = 8005
StroboPLUS HDC = 0006
StroboPLUS HDC Firmware Mode = 8006

If there is trouble connecting or reconnecting as a product is switching modes, ex: StroboPLUS HDC product id 0006 to StroboPLUS HDC Firmware Mode 8006 run the command:

"sudo chmod a+rw /dev/hidraw*"

This command will solve any "waiting on user input" or if the update button in Peterson Connect is unresponsive. The command may need to be executed more than once.

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Which browsers support Peterson Connect?

Google Chrome, Chromium, Microsoft Edge, Opera, Vivald and Comodo Dragon all support Peterson Connect which is built on webHID, a feature more and more browsers are adopting. As other browsers incorporate the webHID feature, Peterson Connect will immediately work in that browser. Those who prefer a different browser can design sweeteners and presets in any browser. Only the data transfer to your device relies on Peterson Connect.

Peterson Connect will not function in Safari. Custom Configuration, Sweetener Design, and Tempo Map designer will function in Safari, but Safari does not support webHID therefore data transfer to your device is not possible.

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I've registered my product warranty but it's not showing up in the list of products that I can configure.

In order to configure your device, the Peterson website needs to have previously paired your device with your warranty via Peterson Connect when your device is connected via USB. If you've registered your product but have not yet connected, you'll need to do that before you are able to configure your product. When the website detects your device it will prompt you to pair with your product's serial number. If the website detects your device while registering your warranty, it is automatically paired.

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Which Peterson products work with Peterson Connect?

Currently, the following products are compatible with Peterson Connect:

  • StroboClip HDC
  • StroboStomp Mini
  • StroboPLUS HDC
  • StroboClip HD
  • StroboStomp HD
  • StroboStomp LE
  • StroboPLUS HD
  • Stomp Classic Pedal Tuner / Active DI

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What features of my Stomp Classic can I configure with Peterson Connect?

  • Configure the order and number of sweetened tunings in your device's available tuning list.
  • Design up to 10 custom presets using the tunings from your sweetened tunings list.
  • Create your own sweetened tunings with custom offsets and note names.

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What features of my StroboPLUS HD can I configure with Peterson Connect?

  • Configure the order and number of sweetened tunings in your device's available tuning list.
  • Design up to 10 custom presets using the tunings from your sweetened tunings list.
  • Create your own sweetened tunings with custom offsets and note names.
  • Customize your tuner's backlight brightness and battery efficiency options..
  • Upgrade your StroboPLUS HD to include the Body BeatMetronome.

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How do I unintsall the older Peterson Connect for Chrome Add-On?

Click the 3 bars in the top right corner of Chrome and choose 'More Tools', then 'Extensions'. Click on the trash can next to Peterson Connect.

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Strobe™ (Android)
StroboClip HDC
StroboStomp Mini
StroboStomp LE
StroboStomp HD
StroboClip HD
Body Beat Pulse Solo
Body Beat Sync
StroboSoft 2.0
AutoStrobe 490-ST
AutoStrobe 590
AutoStrobe 490