Your AutoStrobe 490-ST Review
By Miss Wang on Saturday, December 29, 2012
Peterson makes the best tuners in the world. I remember our middle school band director used a Peterson Strobe Tuner to tune the whole class up--I think it trained our whole class to really listen for pitch because of how sensitive this device was. (The first couple weeks of using this was like... "bahh... it is so close to not moving!") Now I use it as my secret intonation training weapon. When I teach music in the future, I'd want to use this baby. I swear I see rotating disks now when I tune anything so this device is probably great for visual learners if your students have a hard time hearing pitch. This is not something you carry around with everywhere. This unit is huge and is meant to be parked somewhere. It isn't heavy though--so I guess you can trek it around places. If you are looking for a portable tuner--there are smaller tuners out there. This is obviously not one of them. Yes this tuner is expensive. I just had to get one of these though--because they really are that good. It put a dent in a wallet--so I'm going to use it as much as I can to get my money's worth.
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