StroboStomp HD
Best Ever Tuner That I Have
By Tony Cimorelli on Thursday, October 17, 2024

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Reviewed on
Peterson Website
This is, by far, the best tuner I have. I also have the StroboClip HDC. This puppy lets me get my Gretsch's into perfect harmony. It found problems I had in the nut and bridge, as well as where the strings are between the bridge and Bigsby. I always got a weird harmonious tone. Using this and playing around with the strings and saddles, I determined where the weird effect was coming from. I put some rubber grommets between the strings and the tuner bracketed the notes. Very useful tool that now lives on my pedal board. Even tuning with the StroboClip HDC, this tuner was even more minute and made my Gretsches sound awesome. Thanks Peterson.

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