Does my StroboClip require calibration?

Generally, your StroboClip will not require calibration and should remain perfectly accurate if it has not been damaged.

Unlike more modern Peterson strobes, legacy models such as the Peterson 400, 420, 450 and 700 do require occasional calibration.

If you require service, please open a support ticket and return the tuner for repair.

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Is the StroboClip discontinued?

Yes, the StroboClip is discontinued.

Our currently available tuners are the StroboStomp HD, StroboStomp LE, StroboStomp Mini, StroboPLUS HDC, AutoStrobe Model 490, AutoStrobe Model 490-ST, AutoStrobe Model 590, and SC-5000 II.

We do service discontinued products.

If you need to send your tuner in for repair, please open a support ticket.

All products returned for service must have a support ticket number on the outside of the box as well as on the accompanying paperwork on the inside of the box. If you have not registered your tuner, you must do so before returning it. Include a description of your problem. Please be specific about the type of malfunction as well as the conditions under which it occurs.

There is a minimum charge of $80.00 US plus a shipping charge for all Mechanical Peterson tuners received and a minimum charge of $40.00 US plus a shipping charge for all LCD Peterson tuners (unless subject to Peterson warranty). Payment options include PayPal, VISA, MasterCard, AMEX and Discover Card.

NOTE: For international (non-USA) repairs and for all Conn tuner repairs, a different procedure may apply. If you would like an advance estimate for service, you must include a request in writing with the tuner you ship.

Contact and Shipping Details:

For service of Peterson tuners:

Peterson Electro-Musical Products, Inc. 11601 South Mayfield Ave. Alsip, IL 60803 USA

TEL: 708-388-3311 (ext. 143) FAX: 708-388-3341


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How do I read a strobe display?

Basically, the strobe image appears to travel to the left if your instrument is flat of the desired pitch and to the right if it is sharp. On earlier models such as the StroboStomp 1, StroboStomp 2, VS-1, VS-II and V-SAM, the strobe image travels upward if your instrument is sharp and downward if your instrument is flat of the desired pitch.

Adjust your instrument until the pattern is as close to still as possible. Strobe displays are 'real-time' and extremely precise. They require very fine tuning adjustments to stop the display because the frequency/pitch of any instrument is never totally stable.

You'll quickly learn to read the display, make the most precise adjustments and appreciate the high resolution that only a Peterson provides.

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Is the accuracy the same for all Peterson tuners?

Yes, the accuracy is within 0.1 cents (1/1000 of one semitone) as with all Peterson Strobe Tuners. An important thing to note is that Peterson Strobe Tuners have ultra high definition displays, so not only are they highly accurate in detecting a note but they have the ability to display that accuracy. Other products claim accuracy but do not have the high definition screen to display the level of accuracy in which they claim. If you cannot see the accuracy, it is of little value. Only Peterson provides High Definition Strobe Tuning.

How Accurate Is My Tuner?

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What is my StroboClip’s Sweetened Tunings feature all about?

A Sweetener is a set of cent offsets or a deviation from generic Equal Temperament interval spacing traditionally used in tuning. Tuners made by Peterson, including the StroboClip, contain many choices of Sweeteners, in other words, several presets with differing interval spacing relevant to the instrument being tuned. If you’ve never been happy with how your instrument tunes up with your present tuner, a Sweetener could be just the thing to change that without any modifications whatsoever. The StroboClip offers 29 unique and very accurate tweaks which often make all the difference.

Peterson Tuners - Sweetened Tunings

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Is there a carrying case available?

We have carrying cases available that are very useful if you will be frequently traveling with your Peterson tuner. You may purchase your case directly from us at Peterson.

Cases are available for the AutoStrobe™ line, the StroboClip HD and the StroboPLUS HD/HDC.

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Is there a carrying case available?

We have carrying cases available that are very useful if you will be frequently traveling with your Peterson tuner. You may purchase your case directly from us at Peterson.

Cases are available for the AutoStrobe™ line, the StroboClip HD and the StroboPLUS HD/HDC.

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Which Peterson products work with Peterson Connect?

Currently, the following products are compatible with Peterson Connect:

  • StroboClip HDC
  • StroboStomp Mini
  • StroboPLUS HDC
  • StroboClip HD
  • StroboStomp HD
  • StroboStomp LE
  • StroboPLUS HD
  • Stomp Classic Pedal Tuner / Active DI

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How accurate is my StroboClip?

Your StroboClip is accurate to 0.1 cent (1/1000th of a semitone). It’s important to note, that unlike other tuners which list the detection accuracy as the main specification, the StroboClip detection AND display accuracy is 0.1 cent due to its high definition display.

How Accurate Is My Tuner?

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How do I send my product in for repair?

If you need to send your product in for repair, please open a support ticket.

If you have not registered your tuner, you must do so before opening your support ticket.

All products returned for service must have a support ticket number on the outside of the box as well as on the accompanying paperwork on the inside of the box.

We strongly recommend shipping with tracking information and insurance.
Peterson Electro-Musical Products, Inc., and subsidiaries thereof, are not responsible for lost packages in transit to our repair facility.

Include a description of your problem in both your support ticket and paperwork included with your product. Please be specific about the type of malfunction as well as the conditions under which it occurs. Include your name, address, phone number, and email address on the accompanying paperwork.

There is a minimum charge of $95.00 US plus return shipping charges for all Mechanical Peterson tuners received and a minimum charge of $48.00 US plus return shipping charges for all LCD Peterson tuners (unless subject to Peterson warranty). If you would like an advance estimate for service, you must include a request in writing with the product you ship. If you choose not to have your product repaired, there is a $48 diagnostic charge plus return shipping.

Payment options include PayPal, VISA, MasterCard, AMEX and Discover Card.

Any balance is due within 30 days of the completion of the repair. After 30 days, a storage fee will be charged. After 90 days, your property will be considered abandoned and will disposed of at our discretion.

For international (non-USA) repairs and for all Conn and Node tuner repairs, please open a support ticket as different procedures may apply.

Contact and Shipping Details:

For service of Peterson tuners:

Peterson Electro-Musical Products, Inc.
11601 South Mayfield Ave. Alsip, IL 60803 USA
TEL: 708-388-3311 (ext. 143) FAX: 708-388-3341

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What is the difference between Drop/Capo and Key?

Drop Tuning refers to the re-naming of notes when changing the tuning to a lower pitch one half step or more down on guitar or bass.

To aid musicians not familiar with note names outside the standard EADG(BE) or whatever the original tuning is, choosing -1, -2 etc. will cause the instrument to be lowered in pitch by one, two half steps etc. without the original note names being changed. Any Sweetener settings chosen in conjunction with a drop tuning setting are preserved and applied to the correct strings.

Capo Tuning refers to raising the pitch by means of a Capo d'Astro. To aid musicians not familiar with note names outside the standard EADG(BE) or whatever the original tuning is, choosing +1, +2 etc. will cause the instrument to be raised in pitch by one, two half steps etc. when the capo is applied to the first, second fret etc. without the original note names being changed.

The alternate Key settings are used for instruments played in a key other than the key of C. The note display will change so the proper note for those instruments will be shown. Common examples would be Saxophone (Eb), Trumpet (Bb) and French Horn (F).

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What should I do if my new Peterson product doesn't seem to work properly?

If you've first tried all of the solutions offered here, please contact Peterson directly. It is important that you do NOT return the product to the store in which you purchased it without Peterson instructing you to do so. If your unit is problematic, we would like to limit the chances of another customer purchasing the returned unit. Always arrange for product service or replacement directly with Peterson.

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Where is the best place to clip the StroboClip on my instrument?

Naturally, that varies with the instrument. No two pieces of wood are the same, but for most guitars it is best clipped on the headstock. For any instrument, you'll want to clip the StroboClip at the point in which the instrument vibrates the most. For orchestral strings it is often clipped onto the bridge of instruments like bass, and onto the pegbox for instruments like the violin. On wind instruments, the bell or the barrel is best. However, the vibration is normally strong enough almost anywhere on the instrument.

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Why do I only see a line in the middle of the screen sometimes?

The display will show only a " – " in the middle of the screen when it is not detecting a signal but is still active. If it has not detected a signal for 3 minutes, the display will shut off completely. Whatever setting(s) were last chosen before the shut-off will be restored when you power it back on.

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Can I use the SUS with any instrument?

The SUS mode can be used with any instrument, but we recommend only using it with instruments that have a short duration. If you use it with other instruments, it may seem like the StroboClip has a delayed response because it will continue to display a tuning pattern when the sound is gone.

Sometimes the SUS mode will help when tuning an acoustic instrument in a very loud environment, but generally it is designed for shot-voiced instruments like tenor banjo and similar percussive but brief signals.

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What is the range of Hz calibration or Concert A calibration of my StroboClip?

The Hz calibration range of your StroboClip is 400Hz to 490Hz. The default setting is Concert A 440Hz.

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My LCD screen is going dim.

The LCD screen of your Virtual Strobe Tuner may go dim for a short time right before the battery runs out. Although the batteries may not be old, check to see if replacing them corrects the LCD brightness.

Powering the unit with the provided or suggested power supply can also help determine if the LCD screen is in fact failing. If the LCD is still dim after changing the batteries or plugging the unit directly into a wall outlet, please open a help ticket so we may assist you further.

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I've replaced the battery but my StroboClip will not turn on.

Please check to insure the battery you are using is a CR2032. There is another battery, a CR2025 that is the same voltage and diameter, but it is not thick enough to make a solid connection.

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