Does my StroboRack require calibration?

Generally, your StroboRack will not require calibration and should remain perfectly accurate if it has not been damaged.

Unlike more modern Peterson strobes, legacy models such as the Peterson 400, 420, 450 and 700 do require occasional calibration.

If you require service, please open a support ticket and return the tuner for repair.

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Is the StroboRack discontinued?

Yes, the StroboRack is discontinued.

Our currently available tuners are the StroboStomp HD, StroboStomp LE, StroboStomp Mini, StroboPLUS HDC, AutoStrobe Model 490, AutoStrobe Model 490-ST, AutoStrobe Model 590, and SC-5000 II.

We do service discontinued products.

If you need to send your tuner in for repair, please open a support ticket.

All products returned for service must have a support ticket number on the outside of the box as well as on the accompanying paperwork on the inside of the box. If you have not registered your tuner, you must do so before returning it. Include a description of your problem. Please be specific about the type of malfunction as well as the conditions under which it occurs.

There is a minimum charge of $80.00 US plus a shipping charge for all Mechanical Peterson tuners received and a minimum charge of $40.00 US plus a shipping charge for all LCD Peterson tuners (unless subject to Peterson warranty). Payment options include PayPal, VISA, MasterCard, AMEX and Discover Card.

NOTE: For international (non-USA) repairs and for all Conn tuner repairs, a different procedure may apply. If you would like an advance estimate for service, you must include a request in writing with the tuner you ship.

Contact and Shipping Details:

For service of Peterson tuners:

Peterson Electro-Musical Products, Inc. 11601 South Mayfield Ave. Alsip, IL 60803 USA

TEL: 708-388-3311 (ext. 143) FAX: 708-388-3341


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How do I read a strobe display?

Basically, the strobe image appears to travel to the left if your instrument is flat of the desired pitch and to the right if it is sharp. On earlier models such as the StroboStomp 1, StroboStomp 2, VS-1, VS-II and V-SAM, the strobe image travels upward if your instrument is sharp and downward if your instrument is flat of the desired pitch.

Adjust your instrument until the pattern is as close to still as possible. Strobe displays are 'real-time' and extremely precise. They require very fine tuning adjustments to stop the display because the frequency/pitch of any instrument is never totally stable.

You'll quickly learn to read the display, make the most precise adjustments and appreciate the high resolution that only a Peterson provides.

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Is the accuracy the same for all Peterson tuners?

Yes, the accuracy is within 0.1 cents (1/1000 of one semitone) as with all Peterson Strobe Tuners. An important thing to note is that Peterson Strobe Tuners have ultra high definition displays, so not only are they highly accurate in detecting a note but they have the ability to display that accuracy. Other products claim accuracy but do not have the high definition screen to display the level of accuracy in which they claim. If you cannot see the accuracy, it is of little value. Only Peterson provides High Definition Strobe Tuning.

How Accurate Is My Tuner?

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What is my StroboRack’s Sweetened Tunings feature all about?

A Sweetener is a set of cent offsets or a deviation from generic Equal Temperament interval spacing traditionally used in tuning. Tuners made by Peterson, including the StroboRack, contain many choices of Sweeteners, in other words, several presets with differing interval spacing relevant to the instrument being tuned. If you’ve never been happy with how your instrument tunes up with your present tuner, a Sweetener could be just the thing to change that without any modifications whatsoever. The StroboRack offers 35 unique and very accurate tweaks which often make all the difference.

Peterson Tuners - Sweetened Tunings

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Is there a carrying case available?

We have carrying cases available that are very useful if you will be frequently traveling with your Peterson tuner. You may purchase your case directly from us at Peterson.

Cases are available for the AutoStrobe™ line, the StroboClip HD and the StroboPLUS HD/HDC.

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How accurate is my StroboRack?

Your StroboRack is accurate to 0.1 cent (1/1000th of a semitone). It’s important to note, that unlike other tuners which list the detection accuracy as the main specification, the StroboRack detection AND display accuracy is 0.1 cent due to its high definition display.

How Accurate Is My Tuner?

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I often tune my acoustic instrument in a loud environment. What's available to help with that?

When tuning an acoustic instrument in an environment where you cannot control the background noise, like at a gig or loud band hall, a vibration pickup is a very nice alternative to using the built-in microphone.

A Peterson TP-3 clip-on tuning pickup is a very versatile device with a 1/4" connector that can be clipped onto any portion of the instrument that vibrates, such as the headstock of a guitar or the bell or lead pipe of a horn.

A Peterson Pitch Grabber Mobile Tuning Clip utilizes a 1/8" connector for use in mobile phones or tablets with software tuners.

For instruments with a flat resonating surface, you can use a suction cup tuning pickup to reduce ambient noise interference.

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How do I send my product in for repair?

If you need to send your product in for repair, please open a support ticket.

If you have not registered your tuner, you must do so before opening your support ticket.

All products returned for service must have a support ticket number on the outside of the box as well as on the accompanying paperwork on the inside of the box.

We strongly recommend shipping with tracking information and insurance.
Peterson Electro-Musical Products, Inc., and subsidiaries thereof, are not responsible for lost packages in transit to our repair facility.

Include a description of your problem in both your support ticket and paperwork included with your product. Please be specific about the type of malfunction as well as the conditions under which it occurs. Include your name, address, phone number, and email address on the accompanying paperwork.

There is a minimum charge of $95.00 US plus return shipping charges for all Mechanical Peterson tuners received and a minimum charge of $48.00 US plus return shipping charges for all LCD Peterson tuners (unless subject to Peterson warranty). If you would like an advance estimate for service, you must include a request in writing with the product you ship. If you choose not to have your product repaired, there is a $48 diagnostic charge plus return shipping.

Payment options include PayPal, VISA, MasterCard, AMEX and Discover Card.

Any balance is due within 30 days of the completion of the repair. After 30 days, a storage fee will be charged. After 90 days, your property will be considered abandoned and will disposed of at our discretion.

For international (non-USA) repairs and for all Conn and Node tuner repairs, please open a support ticket as different procedures may apply.

Contact and Shipping Details:

For service of Peterson tuners:

Peterson Electro-Musical Products, Inc.
11601 South Mayfield Ave. Alsip, IL 60803 USA
TEL: 708-388-3311 (ext. 143) FAX: 708-388-3341

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What is the difference between Drop/Capo and Key?

Drop Tuning refers to the re-naming of notes when changing the tuning to a lower pitch one half step or more down on guitar or bass.

To aid musicians not familiar with note names outside the standard EADG(BE) or whatever the original tuning is, choosing -1, -2 etc. will cause the instrument to be lowered in pitch by one, two half steps etc. without the original note names being changed. Any Sweetener settings chosen in conjunction with a drop tuning setting are preserved and applied to the correct strings.

Capo Tuning refers to raising the pitch by means of a Capo d'Astro. To aid musicians not familiar with note names outside the standard EADG(BE) or whatever the original tuning is, choosing +1, +2 etc. will cause the instrument to be raised in pitch by one, two half steps etc. when the capo is applied to the first, second fret etc. without the original note names being changed.

The alternate Key settings are used for instruments played in a key other than the key of C. The note display will change so the proper note for those instruments will be shown. Common examples would be Saxophone (Eb), Trumpet (Bb) and French Horn (F).

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Can I use the StroboRack for drop-tuning?

Yes, just press the MENU button to access the menu and then rotate the data wheel to highlight “DROP”. Press the data wheel once more to select it and rotate counter-clockwise to change the value to -1 for one half-step down, -2 for two half-steps down etc. Press the SAVE button to save the value as a default, otherwise the tuner will revert to standard 0 when restarted.

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What should I do if my new Peterson product doesn't seem to work properly?

If you've first tried all of the solutions offered here, please contact Peterson directly. It is important that you do NOT return the product to the store in which you purchased it without Peterson instructing you to do so. If your unit is problematic, we would like to limit the chances of another customer purchasing the returned unit. Always arrange for product service or replacement directly with Peterson.

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Can I use the StroboRack to set my electric guitar’s intonation?

Yes you can. The guitar can be plugged into the StroboRack, the open strings tuned, then checked by fretting each string at the 12th fret. The StroboRack will show the tiniest flaw, making your intonation results as good as they possibly can be.

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How is the StroboRack constructed?

The tuner enclosure is made from rugged steel, with Neutrik® jack sockets.

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Can I use the StroboRack to tune accordions?

While the StroboRack features both built-in mic and ¼” input jack for external microphones and can be used for accordion tuning, the tuner with the most accordion tuning features is the StroboPLUS HDC.

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I would like string numbers instead of notes on the tuner display, can the StroboRack do that?

No, this feature is available on the StroboStomp HD, StroboStomp LE, StroboStomp Mini, StroboPLUS HDC, StroboPLUS HD and the Stomp Classic pedal tuner.

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Can I use the StroboRack for open tunings?

Yes, the StroboRack is fully chromatic and can be used for any open tunings.

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I work with Gamelan tuning, is the StroboRack a good choice of tuner for that?

The better choice of tuner for Gamelan would be the StroboPLUS HDC, which already has Slendro and Pelog tuning presets (SDO & PLG) and is also programmable.

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Can I use the StroboRack to tune instruments other than guitar?

Almost any musical instrument can be tuned with the StroboRack, more than any other rack-tuner on the market!

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Can I use the StroboRack to tune a piano?

A better choice would be the StroboPLUS HDC which has stretch tuning presets for Rhodes electric pianos, Yamaha CP60, CP70 & CP80 electric uprights and grands and two presets for acoustic upright and grand piano.

For professional piano tuners, the recommended ETD for piano is the AutoStrobe 490ST Stretch-Tuner.

Many piano tuners find that using an external, dynamic microphone with a 1/4" output helps to isolate the particular string they are tuning.

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Can I use the StroboRack to tune a pedal steel guitar?

The StroboRack and its predecessors are easily the most popular and effective pedal steel guitar tuners in the world today. In fact the more complicated the tuning copedant, the more the StroboRack excels. If you use currently use a chart of offsets, such as the Newman chart, the StroboRack can vastly simplify your tuning process, it has the Jeff Newman charts built-in and is used by many pedal steel guitarists because of its rack format.

Of our current models available, the StroboStomp HD, StroboStomp LE, and StroboPLUS HDC contain multiple pedal steel Sweeteners and are extremely popular within the steel community for their ease of use.

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Does the StroboRack have a manual tuning mode?

Yes, to activate, first press the MENU button to access the menu, then rotate the data wheel to highlight “AUTO”, press the data wheel once more and rotate it to change to MAN, press the data wheel and then rotate the dial to select a note to be tuned.

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Can I use the StroboRack to tune a harp?

Yes, you can. However, if you wish to stretch tune the harp, the StroboPLUS HDC tuner would be a better choice. It offers three selectable stretch tuning presets for pedal and lever harps. The StroboRack has a built-in mic for picking up the harp’s strings acoustically and there is also an optional tuning wire available called the TP-3 Tuning pick-up which can be used to physically isolate the harp for tuning.

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I play E9 on pedal steel guitar, what does the StroboRack offer me?

Quick dependable and consistent tuning and a beautiful sounding tuning result! To choose a setting, press the SWEETENER button, rotate the dial until either “SE9” or “OE9” appears. SE9 is Jeff Newman’s most popular tuning (Jeff Newman was a most well-known and revered pedal-steel guitar teacher & player). It is a sharp tuning to allow for cabinet drop when the A & B pedals are depressed. 0E9 is an older setting from Jeff Newman which features the E strings at zero cents. Tune all open strings, pedals and levers by adjusting them until the strobe image stops moving continuously in any one direction.

Of our current models available, the StroboStomp HD, StroboStomp LE, and StroboPLUS HDC contain multiple pedal steel Sweeteners and are extremely popular within the steel community for their ease of use.

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Does the StroboRack have an Auto-Off function?

No, the StroboRack remains active when switched on until switched off. When not in use, the StroboRack’s screen can be programmed with a user-defined message which can either scroll or flash according to the user’s wishes. The display can therefore function as a marquee for the band or artist’s name or even an upcoming gig!

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I have several instruments with different tuning settings, can I go quickly from one to another on a StroboRack?

The StroboRack allows you to program presets, these are groups of settings you can choose for specific instruments comprising of Sweetener and DROP settings. The Preset shows itself as a number displayed on the upper left of the StroboRack’s screen. The presets can be easily and quickly recalled.

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Is the StroboRack a good tuner for guitar tech/stage work?

Any professional tech will see value of the StroboRack on stage. With its 19” steel chassis and metal enclosure, it’s built for the road, you can rack it without compromising. You can customise the display when idle with your own message, and with the SR-EX module installed you can use it as a DI box and even split mono signals with it. It even has a BNC socket for a console Flexilite on the rear panel to light up the back of your rack system for dark stages. Another major advantage is its auto-switching power feature which makes it “Brown-Out-Proof” and compatible with any AC voltage worldwide without switching. The StroboRack takes a licking and keeps on ticking!

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Does the StroboRack have the James Taylor style tuning settings?

Yes, the preset is called ACU. To set the StroboRack to this setting, press the SWEETENER button, rotate the data wheel until “ACU” appears. Press the SAVE button to save the value as a default, otherwise the tuner will revert to standard EQU when restarted.

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I play C6 on pedal steel guitar, what does the StroboRack offer me?

Quick, dependable, consistent tuning and a feeling like you’ve never been so in tune before! To set the StroboRack to this setting, press the SWEETENER button, rotate the data wheel until “SC6” appears. Press the SAVE button to save the value as a default, otherwise the tuner will revert to standard EQU when restarted.

SC6 is Jeff Newman’s popular C6 tuning (Jeff Newman was a most well-known and revered pedal-steel teacher).

Of our current models available, the StroboStomp HD, StroboStomp LE, and StroboPLUS HDC contain multiple pedal steel Sweeteners and are extremely popular within the steel community for their ease of use.

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What does the SR-EX module add to the functionality of the StroboRack?

With the optional SR-EX module, you can run a balanced XLR line through the StroboRack, plug a stereo instrument into it or even split a mono signal. It can function as a breakout box for Rickenbacker’s Ric-O-Sound outfitted guitars, basses with XLR outputs like Alembics Jaydee, Wal and many upright bass pickup/preamp systems. The module also allows you to mute outputs AA/BB/Y style. The SR-EX module’s built-in active DI can also function independently of the StroboRack, so it makes the StroboRack an extremely flexible piece of kit.

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Can the StroboRack improve my guitar’s sound?

Yes, the superior tuning accuracy will not only improve your guitar’s sound, using it will help your ear to discern fine differences in pitch.

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Is the StroboRack display visible in bright daylight?

Yes, due to its high definition LCD display, the StroboRack can be read in the full glare of the sun or directly in front of a 1KW stage lighting fixture, well beyond the point where other tuners are rendered useless.

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Is the StroboRack display visible in darkness?

Yes, the StroboRack has a very large fully backlit high definition LCD display.

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Can the StroboRack be used to tune to different temperaments?

Yes, the StroboRack has temperament and Sweetener presets available at the touch of a button, and there are eight user-programmable slots.

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I play pedal steel guitar in Universal tuning, what does the StroboRack offer me?

The ability to tune faster with more confidence and with unparalleled results! To set the StroboRack to this setting, press the SWEETENER button, rotate the data wheel until “U12” appears. Press the SAVE button to save the value as a default, otherwise the tuner will revert to standard EQU when restarted.

U12 is Jeff Newman’s popular Universal tuning (Jeff Newman was a most well-known and revered pedal-steel teacher).

Of our current models available, the StroboStomp HD, StroboStomp LE, and StroboPLUS HDC contain multiple pedal steel Sweeteners and are extremely popular within the steel community for their ease of use.

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Can I use Just Intonation with the StroboRack?

Yes, the StroboRack long list of Sweeteners and temperaments features Just Major and Just Minor Intonation. To set the StroboRack to this setting, press the SWEETENER button, rotate the data wheel until “JME” or “JMI” appears. Press the SAVE button to save the value as a default, otherwise the tuner will revert to standard EQU when restarted.

Of our currently offered tuners, StroboStomp HD, StroboStomp LE, and StroboPLUS HDC offer Just Intonation as well as many other historic temperaments.

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What is the warranty period on the StroboRack?

1 year parts and labor from date of purchase officially, but due to the quality of our products, we have a very generous case by case policy.

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Can the StroboRack be used with electric guitar?

Yes, the StroboRack works with 6 and 12 string electric guitar .

The StroboRack has a preset for Sweetened 6 string electric guitar called GTR, this preset is useful for short-scale electric guitars like Les Pauls or guitars with three saddle bridges like Telecasters. To set the StroboRack to this setting, press the SWEETENER button, rotate the data wheel until “GTR” appears. Press the SAVE button to save the value as a default, otherwise the tuner will revert to standard EQU when restarted.

For 12 string guitars like Rickenbackers, the StroboRack has two special presets, one each for the standard and octave strings. To set the StroboRack to this setting, press the SWEETENER button, rotate the data wheel until 12 (up arrow) or 12(down arrow) appears. Press the SAVE button to save the value as a default, otherwise the tuner will revert to standard EQU when restarted.

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Does the StroboRack read out the frequency of a signal?

No, the StroboRack displays the real-time state of pitch in the form of a high definition moving strobe image.

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How do I know how far out of tune I am on the StroboRack’s display?

Observe the StroboRack’s high definition moving image, it moves faster as the signal moves further from the target pitch and slower as the signal approaches being in tune. To see the cent difference, press the CENTS button, then rotate the data wheel while playing the note, when the image stops moving in any one direction continuously, the cent deviation will be displayed on the screen.

Measuring a pitch in cents.

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Can the StroboRack be used to tune electric bass?

Yes, the StroboRack works with 4, 5 & 6 string electric bass.

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Does the StroboRack have an international voltage selector?

No, the StroboRack will automatically operate on any A/C voltage from 95VAC to 250VAC, all you need is the correct plug adapter or cord.

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Can I use the StroboRack to tune a lute?

Yes, the StroboRack’s temperament features 1/6th Comma Meantone with a C root, commonly used to tune lute strings and frets/tastini.

To set the StroboRack to this setting, press the SWEETENER button, rotate the data wheel until “6MT” appears. Press the SAVE button to save the value as a default, otherwise the tuner will revert to standard EQU when restarted.

Of our currently available tuners, StroboStomp HD, StroboStomp LE, and StroboPLUS HDC offer 1/6th Comma Meantone.

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Is the StroboRack a chromatic tuner?

Yes, the StroboRack is a fully chromatic tuner.

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Can I tune overtones with the StroboRack?

No, not unless they are isolated. To tune overtones and view harmonic content, we recommend the Peterson AutoStrobe range of strobe tuners.

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I just bought a StroboRack, are there any tips for someone new to strobe tuning?

1. Pick softly and once only, the StroboRack is a much more sensitive tuner than other tuners which require repeated hard plucking of a string to register a pitch.

2. Watch the StroboRack’s display, if the strobe image scrolls right, you need to lower the pitch, if the strobe image scrolls left; you need to raise the pitch.

3. Your instrument is in tune when the image on the StroboRack’s screen stops moving continuously in one direction or hovers.

StroboPLUS HDC Tuner Video Instructional Manual - 2 New To Strobe Tuning?

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Does the StroboRack have historic temperament presets?

Yes, Werckmeister III, Kirnberger III, Young, Kellner, Vallotti, Rameau, Pythagorean, ¼ Comma Meantone, 1/6th Comma Meantone, Just Major and Minor are all factory preset temperaments in the StroboRack.

Of our currently available tuners, the StroboPLUS HDC offers these and many more historic temperaments.

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What do the Dobro/Resonator Sweeteners (DB0 & DBH) do?

For dobro or resonator guitars, the StroboRack’s DBO Sweetener changes the Equally tempered third intervals in Open A, D & G to Just Intoned thirds, which makes for a much smoother and pleasant sound. The DBH Sweetener pitches the third intervals halfway between Equal and Just.

To set the StroboRack to this setting, press the SWEETENER button, rotate the data wheel until “DBH” or “DB0” appears. Press the SAVE button to save the value as a default, otherwise the tuner will revert to standard EQU when restarted. Then tune each string, image moving left means you’re too sharp, image moving right means you’re too flat. Tune until the image displayed on the tuner screen stops moving continuously in any one direction.

Of our currently available tuners, the StroboStomp HD, StroboStomp LE, StroboStomp Mini, StroboPLUS HDC, and StroboClip HD offer our dobro and resonator guitar sweeteners.

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How do I calibrate the StroboRack to a fixed instrument like a piano?

The StroboRack Concert A control can be adjusted in 0.5Hz increments, the default value is 440.0

1. Press the MENU button, rotate the data wheel to highlight “A440.0 and press the data wheel to select.

2. Play the A above middle C on the piano, rotate the data wheel and observe the StroboRack’s display.

3. If the Strobe image moves right, increase the Concert A value by rotating the dial clockwise until the image hovers or stops

4. If the Strobe image moves left, decrease the Concert A value by rotating the dial counter-clockwise until the image hovers or stops.

5. The Concert A pitch of the piano will be displayed on the screen

6. Reset the tuner after use by returning the value to A440.0.

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How do I tune a half step down with the StroboRack?

Simply press the DROP button and then rotate the data wheel to enter a value of “-1”. Press the SAVE button to save the value as a default, otherwise the tuner will revert to standard 0 when restarted.

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Is the StroboRack programmable? Can I use the StroboRack to program my own settings or offsets?

Yes, you can, the StroboRack has eight user-definable presets.

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What is the range of Hz calibration or Concert A calibration of my StroboRack?

The Hz calibration range of your StroboRack is 390Hz to 490Hz. The default setting is Concert A 440Hz.

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How do I find out how far out of tune my guitar is in cents?

Pluck a string and adjust the cent value by simply adjusting the cent control until the strobe image is stationary (only fluctuating around a fixed position and not shifting in one direction over time). In this case, you are tuning the tuner to the instrument. When the image comes to rest, the accompanying numeric cent display indicates the distance from 00.0 cents.

The following video shows this process using a StroboPLUS HD.

Measuring a pitch in cents.

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