Buzz Feiten Electric Guitar
Tuning Steps
Sweetened Tunings
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Buzz Feiten Electric Guitar
The following is a guide to the use of the Buzz Feiten Tuning System. This system requires the use of specific and differing tuner cent offsets for both open strings and 12th fret position. Designed to improve the tuning results of guitars and basses that have been built to include the Buzz Feiten System, it includes the installation of a special shelf nut. The Peterson tuner range includes all existing tuning and intonation offsets for the Buzz Feiten Tuning System. Once the correct preset is selected, no further tuner adjustments need to be made, its that easy!
After tuning the open strings, the bridge saddles need to be correctly positioned for the instrument to play in tune according to the Buzz Feiten Tuning System. Current Peterson tuners contain a preset called “BFE” which encompasses both tuning and intonation offsets, some older models have separate presets for each (BFE & BFEin). It’s important to note that harmonics should not be used when setting intonation on Buzz Feiten Tuning System, as the cent value for the open string and the 12th fret position are different.
How To Tune Your Buzz Feiten Electric Guitar
- Dial in the BFE preset on your Peterson Tuner and pluck the 1st string. Please note that the open string and not a harmonic, should be sounded. Observe the tuner display, check that the note “E” is displayed. With your left hand, adjust the tuning peg to stop the strobe pattern image from moving contuously in any one direction, continue to adjust until the strobe pattern is motionless.
- Repeat the above for the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th strings until all strings are tuned.
- Pluck the high E string while fretting it at the 12th fret.
- If the fretted tone shows sharp on your tuner, the bridge needs to be moved a slight distance further away from the end of the neck, if it shows flat, it needs to be moved a slight distance closer to the end of the neck.
- Repeat this procedure with each of the strings and adjust the saddle positions accordingly. When both open and fretted tones are in tune in each case, the bridge is in the correct position.
Sweetened Tunings
Sweeteners For Buzz Feiten
Products With Buzz Feiten Sweeteners
StroboClip HDC
StroboStomp Mini
StroboStomp LE
StroboStomp HD
StroboClip HD
iStroboSoft™ (iOS)
StroboSoft 2.0
$49.99 - $99.99
Things to check to get the most out of your instrument’s tuning
2. When you change strings, be sure to use a Peterson tuner to check the intonation also, even if the new strings are of the same gauge as the old ones.
About the Buzz Feiten Tuning System
The system requires some minor alterations to the instrument, such as the installation of a specially designed shelf-nut, and can be retrofitted to most guitars. The Buzz Feiten Tuning System is factory-installed on several well-known brands, plus guitars made by trained and qualified luthiers who are able to incorporate Feiten's formula into their instruments.
The Buzz Feiten Tuning System makes use of special "Buzz Feiten presets" preprogrammed in most Peterson tuners — the strings have to be tuned slightly flat or sharp because of the nut's compensations.
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