User Recommended Ukulele Tuners

StroboClip HDC-V

StroboClip HDC

StroboStomp Mini

StroboStomp LE


StroboStomp HD

StroboClip HD


iStroboSoft™ (iOS)
Strobe Tuning a Ukulele
In the Uke world, there are there are four main instruments, Concert, Tenor, Baritone & Bass Ukulele.
The standard tuning for Concert Ukulele is G4 C4 E4 A4, the tenor Uke is tuned very similarly but with the G string one octave below Concert at G3 C4 E4 A4. Baritone Ukulele is tuned a fourth below at D3 G3 B3 E4 and bass ukulele is tuned E2 A3 D3 G3. The short-voiced nature of some instruments presents a problem, the tone generated by plucking an open string is often too brief to register on regular electronic tuners. Thankfully, the real-time response and added SUStain feature developed by Peterson specifically with instruments like Ukulele in mind, tuning becomes simple and straightforward. The “SUStain” feature, when activated, keeps the current pitch of note displayed on screen for longer than with other tuners, allowing you more time to make adjustments. The numbers after the note names refer to the octave number displayed on most Peterson tuners, making tuning extra easy even for the absolute beginner.
Peterson tuner users include Jake Shimabukuro, Derick Sebastian and other ukulele giants, so you’ll be in good company!